Linux 15.001 Themen, 106.681 Beiträge

Keine Tonausgabe bei Rosegarden

Quarksalber / 15 Antworten / Flachansicht Nickles

Habe gerade dieses Problem und finde als Anfänger keine Lösung. Egal was ich mit Rosegarden mache, ich bekomme keinen Ton. Jack und Rosegarden laufen und sind eigentlich richtig konfiguriert. Ich habe keine Ahnung wo das Problem liegt.

Zu meinem System:
Debian (Lenny - aber unter Etch lief es auch nicht). Für die Oberfläche nutze ich KDE 3.5
Sound: Intel 82801 -> Also kleiner billiger Onboardchip (läuft unter Alsa)

Programme: Rosegarden 1.7.0 / Jack 0.3.2

Ich hoffe es kann mir hier jemand helfen.

bei Antwort benachrichtigen
Quarksalber KarstenW „ Unable to connect to server. Please check the messages window for more info. Es...“

Klingt zwar blöd, aber übersetzen wäre wirklich nett. Ich weiß nicht so genau was ich in diesem Fall tun soll. Mich irritiert im besonderen, dass jedes mal was anderes dabei rauskommt. Manchmal wird gemeldet, dass eine Verbindung zu Jack nicht möglich wäre...siemal aber scheinbar nicht.

Ich häng grad mal an, was die Kosole mir ausgespuckt hat. Das sieht doch weitgehend identisch aus?

Rosegarden 1.7.0 - AlsaDriver [ALSA library version 1.0.16, module version 1.0.16, kernel version 2.6.26-1-686]

JackDriver::initialiseAudio - JACK sample rate = 44100Hz, buffer size = 1024
JackDriver::initialiseAudio - creating disk thread
JackDriver::initialiseAudio - found 6 JACK physical outputs
JackDriver::initialiseAudio - connecting from "rosegarden:master out L" to "system:playback_1"
JackDriver::initialiseAudio - connecting from "rosegarden:master out R" to "system:playback_2"
JackDriver::initialiseAudio - found 2 JACK physical inputs
JackDriver::initialiseAudio - connecting from "system:capture_1" to "rosegarden:record in 1 L"
JackDriver::initialiseAudio - connecting from "system:capture_2" to "rosegarden:record in 1 R"
JackDriver::initialiseAudio - initialised JACK audio subsystem

ALSA Client information:

14,0 - (Midi Through, Midi Through Port-0) (DUPLEX) [ctype 2, ptype 655362, cap 99]
128,0 - (rosegarden, record in) (WRITE ONLY) [ctype 1, ptype 1048576, cap 66]
128,1 - (rosegarden, sync out) (READ ONLY) [ctype 1, ptype 1048576, cap 33]
128,2 - (rosegarden, external controller) (DUPLEX) [ctype 1, ptype 1048576, cap 99]
128,3 - (rosegarden, out 1 - General MIDI Device) (READ ONLY) [ctype 1, ptype 1048576, cap 33]
130,0 - (JACK Rack (4062), Control) (DUPLEX) [ctype 1, ptype 1048577, cap 115]

CREATED OUTPUT PORT 3:out 1 - MIDI software device for device 0
Connecting my port 3 to 128:0 on initialisation
Creating device 0 in Play mode for connection 128:0 rosegarden: record in (write)
Default device name for this device is MIDI software device
Creating device 1 in Record mode for connection 128:1 rosegarden: sync out (read)
Default device name for this device is MIDI software input
CREATED OUTPUT PORT 4:out 2 - MIDI software device 2 for device 2
Connecting my port 4 to 128:2 on initialisation
Creating device 2 in Play mode for connection 128:2 external controller (duplex)
Default device name for this device is MIDI software device 2
Creating device 3 in Record mode for connection 128:2 external controller (duplex)
Default device name for this device is MIDI software input 2
Creating device 4 in Record mode for connection 128:3 out 1 - General MIDI Device (read)
Default device name for this device is MIDI software input 3
CREATED OUTPUT PORT 5:out 3 - MIDI software device 3 for device 5
Connecting my port 5 to 130:0 on initialisation
Creating device 5 in Play mode for connection 130:0 JACK Rack (4062): Control (duplex)
Default device name for this device is MIDI software device 3
Creating device 6 in Record mode for connection 130:0 JACK Rack (4062): Control (duplex)
Default device name for this device is MIDI software input 4
CREATED OUTPUT PORT 6:out 4 - MIDI output system device for device 7
Creating device 7 in Play mode for connection 14:0 Midi Through Port-0 (duplex) (not connecting)
Default device name for this device is MIDI output system device
Creating device 8 in Record mode for connection 14:0 Midi Through Port-0 (duplex) (not connecting)
Default device name for this device is MIDI input system device
extractVersion: major = 1, minor = 0, subminor = 16, suffix = ""
AlsaDriver::versionIsAtLeast: is version 1.0.16 at least 1.0.14? yes
extractVersion: major = 2, minor = 6, subminor = 26, suffix = ""
AlsaDriver::versionIsAtLeast: is version 2.6.26-1-686 at least 2.6.20? yes
Using low-resolution system timer, sending a warning
Current timer set to "system timer" with timer checks
WARNING: using system timer with only 250Hz resolution!
AlsaDriver::initialiseMidi - initialised MIDI subsystem

ALSA Client information:

14,0 - (Midi Through, Midi Through Port-0) (DUPLEX) [ctype 2, ptype 655362, cap 99]
128,0 - (rosegarden, record in) (WRITE ONLY) [ctype 1, ptype 1048576, cap 66]
128,1 - (rosegarden, sync out) (READ ONLY) [ctype 1, ptype 1048576, cap 33]
128,2 - (rosegarden, external controller) (DUPLEX) [ctype 1, ptype 1048576, cap 99]
128,3 - (rosegarden, out 1 - General MIDI Device) (READ ONLY) [ctype 1, ptype 1048576, cap 33]
130,0 - (JACK Rack (4062), Control) (DUPLEX) [ctype 1, ptype 1048577, cap 115]

ALSA Client information:

14,0 - (Midi Through, Midi Through Port-0) (DUPLEX) [ctype 2, ptype 655362, cap 99]
128,0 - (rosegarden, record in) (WRITE ONLY) [ctype 1, ptype 1048576, cap 66]
128,1 - (rosegarden, sync out) (READ ONLY) [ctype 1, ptype 1048576, cap 33]
128,2 - (rosegarden, external controller) (DUPLEX) [ctype 1, ptype 1048576, cap 99]
128,3 - (rosegarden, out 1 - General MIDI Device) (READ ONLY) [ctype 1, ptype 1048576, cap 33]
128,4 - (rosegarden, out 2 - MIDI software device) (READ ONLY) [ctype 1, ptype 1048576, cap 33]
128,5 - (rosegarden, out 3 - MIDI software device 2) (READ ONLY) [ctype 1, ptype 1048576, cap 33]
130,0 - (JACK Rack (4062), Control) (DUPLEX) [ctype 1, ptype 1048577, cap 115]

Creating device 11 in Record mode for connection 128:5 out 3 - MIDI software device 2 (read)
Default device name for this device is MIDI software input 5
New ports:
128:4 out 2 - MIDI software device (read)
(Reusing record device 8)
128:5 out 3 - MIDI software device 2 (read)
(Created new record device 11)

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