Archiv Windows XP 25.916 Themen, 128.567 Beiträge

ActiveX steuer element (Yellow Bar)

kesart / 11 Antworten / Flachansicht Nickles

I am having trouble stoping the yellow bar from opening when I open my Website in explorer 8, I have changed the settings in the "Stufe anpassen" I can't understand this, it is still opening.
Is there another way to stop it showing up?

kesart Ma_neva „Hallo, ich bin gerade mal auf Deine Künstlerseite gegangen....“

I am English and my son is not here at the moment to correct my german.
The website is in English and German, thats why "german" in the link, because it is the german translation. Some people say that they can understand my german and others say I should write in English so that they can understand what I am trying to say.

Which ever way I do it it's wrong!

atb kesart