Archiv Windows XP 25.916 Themen, 128.567 Beiträge

ActiveX steuer element (Yellow Bar)

kesart / 11 Antworten / Flachansicht Nickles

I am having trouble stoping the yellow bar from opening when I open my Website in explorer 8, I have changed the settings in the "Stufe anpassen" I can't understand this, it is still opening.
Is there another way to stop it showing up?

Olaf19 kesart „Hello Olaf, The other Browsers are OK! Thanks for the Tip. I...“

Hi again,

perhaps you have an answer?

 Sorry, I am afraid not. However, it seems quite a good idea to me to place the topic on "Homepage selbermachen" as this is much for specific for webdesign. As your question is concerning a website of your own, this makes most sense.

Good luck!

Kind regards