Hallo Olaf,
Standardsprache bei Linux Lite soll Englisch sein!
Hier eine Anleitung zur Installation anderer Sprachen:
Installing Linux Lite / Language Support How To
« by Valtam on June 03, 2014, 02:11:36 PM »
...... you select your language during the installation of Linux Lite for example ............ etc will still be in English. To complete your language installation do the following: Menu, Install ............ Menu, Settings, Language Support You will be prompted to 'Install' some ............ . This may take a while as it has to download language packs for programs like Gimp, Thunderbird and ............ . Next, drag your language to the top of the list on the Language tab, click ............ has finished logout and then login again. Voila! Language Support installed. ......"
Quelle: Forum "Linux Lite"