Hab gestern ´ne Anfrage aus London für die Buchung einer Ferienwohnung hier (hab eine Anzeige für meine Tante im Netz) bekommen und bestätigt.
Heute kam die Zusage. Allerdings kommt mir da einiges spanisch vor: So wie ich das vertehe, will der ´nen Scheck über 8000 EUR schicken (die Wohnung kostet für 4 Wochen / 4 Mann) 1200 Euronen und er will den Restbetrag für seinen Aufenhalt ausbezahlt bekommen.
Hat jemand von Euch auch schon mal sowas gehabt ? Hier mal die Mail:
“...Thanks for your reply and assistance so far.After our meeting in preparation for our coming, We concluded to use your spaces and also we have concluded about the payment.
However, a Certified Bank Cheque of 8,000Euro that will be sent to you,that will cover your accomodation expenses and other services needed(like Transportations and other miscellanous expenses ).
I have now been instructed to send you the cheque, so that when you receive it you will cash it deduct the cost of your services 1,200Euros and wait for instructions on how to use the Balance .
So,confirm this and provide me with the followings:
(1) YOUR FULL NAME (name on cheque)...............
(2)ADDRESS (for cheque delivery)................
(3) PHONE NUMBERS.............,
for payment to be delivered to you.
Please remember that this business requires prompt response.
I also hope there stay will be made comfortable.................”