Hab wieder mal ein Lied (bzw. hätte noch einige), wo ich etwas nicht verstehe, was gesungen wird. Leider gibt es dazu keine Lyrics im Netz. Wer hätte Lust mal reinzuhören? Ich würde das MP3-File senden.

Hab wieder mal ein Lied (bzw. hätte noch einige), wo ich etwas nicht verstehe, was gesungen wird. Leider gibt es dazu keine Lyrics im Netz. Wer hätte Lust mal reinzuhören? Ich würde das MP3-File senden.
Chorus 1:
Wise men still seek Him and follow His star
Kings come to worship from near and from far
Like Christmas day He'll be born in your heart
Seeking the Savior - a wise one you are
God looked at the hearts of men
He loved us every one
He saw the results of sin
Said something must be done
It's dark and we need a light
Our blinded eyes to see
The Savior is Jesus Christ
Salvation full and free
Repeat Chorus
God said to be born again
That's why he sent His Son
And when He is born within
It's Christmas all year long
We're sharing the gift of life
With friends and family
We're learning to do what's right
And live eternally
Wise men still seek Him and follow His star
This day is such a special day
The day of Jesus' birth (The Savior's birth)
And He loves you in a special way (He died for you)
His blood is what you're worth
Be wise (Be wise) - be smart (be smart)
Seek Jesus (Seek Jesus) with all of your heart (with all of your heart)
Rejoice (Rejoice) - be glad (be glad)
Jesus (Jesus) - the ve- (the ve-) ry best (ry best) friend you've ever had
Repeat Chorus 1
Chorus 2:
Wise men still seek Him and follow His star (be smart)
Kings come to worship (seek Him) from near and from far (with all of your heart)
Like Christmas day (rejoice) He'll be born in your heart (be glad)
Seeking the Savior - a wise one you are
Wise men still seek Him (Wise men still seek Him, wise men still seek Him)