Mit welchem Programm kann ich einen anonymen Proxy realisieren? Einzigster Wunsch die Software sollte unter Windows laufen.
Mit welchem Programm kann ich einen anonymen Proxy realisieren? Einzigster Wunsch die Software sollte unter Windows laufen.
Schade da bin ich dann wegen meinem schlechten Englisch auf das hier reingefallen und dachte damit wäre ein anonymer Proxy gemeint:
4.18 Can Squid anonymize HTTP requests?
Yes it can, however the way of doing it has changed from earlier versions of squid. As of squid-2.2 a more customisable method has been introduced. Please follow the instructions for the version of squid that you are using. As a default, no anonymizing is done.
If you choose to use the anonymizer you might wish to investigate the forwarded_for option to prevent the client address being disclosed. Failure to turn off the forwarded_for option will reduce the effectiveness of the anonymizer. Finally if you filter the User-Agent header using the fake_user_agent option can prevent some user problems as some sites require the User-Agent header.
Squid 2.2
With the introduction of squid 2.2 the anonoymizer has become more customisable. It now allows specification of exactly which headers will be allowed to pass. This is further extended in Squid-2.5 to allow headers to be anonymized conditionally.
For details see the documentation of the http_header_access and header_replace directives in squid.conf.default.
Na ja ärgerlich aber nicht zu ändern wollte ja Squid sowieso nicht da mir zu kompliziert.