Nickles - Team Seti 1.753 Themen, 10.321 Beiträge

Top % der Setianer.

SmallAl / 6 Antworten / Flachansicht Nickles

Name SmallAl
Results Received 2277
Total CPU Time 2.308 years
Average CPU Time per work unit 8 hr 52 min 43.8 sec
Last result returned: Thu Feb 7 00:41:18 2002 UTC
Registered on: Fri Feb 2 19:04:34 2001 UTC
SETI@home user for: 1.013 years

Your group info:
You belong to the group named: Team Nickles

Your rank: (based on current workunits received)

Your rank out of 3529266 total users is: 36160th place.
The number of users who have this rank: 13
You have completed more work units than 98.975% of our users.\'

Sag mal Reime bist Du eigentlich schon einer derjenigen die da 99% stehen haben ???

remember: Today is the first day of the rest of your life !
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SmallAl reiner med „das ist aber spitze !!! freu, mach weiter so, auf das wir das letzte prozent...“

Das nicht, aber wir könnten ja mal anstreben hier (Top 1000 User) aufzutauchen ;-)

Dazu brauchen wir zur Zeit "nur" 24000 WU's *bg*

remember: Today is the first day of the rest of your life !
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