Nickles - Team Seti 1.753 Themen, 10.321 Beiträge

Top % der Setianer.

SmallAl / 6 Antworten / Flachansicht Nickles

Name SmallAl
Results Received 2277
Total CPU Time 2.308 years
Average CPU Time per work unit 8 hr 52 min 43.8 sec
Last result returned: Thu Feb 7 00:41:18 2002 UTC
Registered on: Fri Feb 2 19:04:34 2001 UTC
SETI@home user for: 1.013 years

Your group info:
You belong to the group named: Team Nickles

Your rank: (based on current workunits received)

Your rank out of 3529266 total users is: 36160th place.
The number of users who have this rank: 13
You have completed more work units than 98.975% of our users.\'

Sag mal Reime bist Du eigentlich schon einer derjenigen die da 99% stehen haben ???

remember: Today is the first day of the rest of your life !
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SmallAl reiner med „Name and URL reime Results Received 2386 Total CPU Time 1.611 years Average CPU...“

Your credit:
Name (and URL) SmallAl
Results Received 2345
Total CPU Time 2.353 years
Average CPU Time per work unit 8 hr 47 min 26.5 sec
Last result returned: Thu Feb 14 07:32:04 2002 UTC
Registered on: Fri Feb 2 19:04:34 2001 UTC
View Registration Class
SETI@home user for: 1.032 years
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Your group info:
You belong to the group named: Team Nickles
You are not currently the founder of any teams.

Your rank: (based on current workunits received)

Your rank out of 3542254 total users is: 35163rd place.
The number of users who have this rank: 31
You have completed more work units than 99.006% of our users.

Endlich habe ich es geschafft !!!

remember: Today is the first day of the rest of your life !
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