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I want buy a new motherboard

Serotonic / 5 Antworten / Flachansicht Nickles

Hello all, im in Hungary and looking for new board, planning to buy an athlon xp 1600+ and 256 MB DDR RAM PC 333 ...

The board should be Socket A, the best prozessors work with socket a right now, yes ?

And very new, very expensive stuff i cannot pay and dont want to.

The following boards are payable :


Socket 462 (Socket "A")
AMD K7 Athlon és Duron
Támogatja a 133 (266) MHz-es frekvenciát is
Támogatja az Athlon XP processzorokat is
Formátum: ATX
Chipset: SiS 745
5 PCI foglalat
4* AGP
3 DDR foglalat, max. 3 GB RAM
Ultra DMA 100
Integrated audio card (AC 97) + gameport kivezetve

Abit KX7-333

Bruttó price: 25210 = 105$
Processzor: Socket 462 (Socket "A")
recommended : AMD K7 Athlon és Duron Athlon XP
266 MHz-es frekvenciát

Formátum: ATX
Chipset: VIA Apollo KT333
6 PCI foglalat
2*/4* AGP
4 DDR foglalat, max. 3 GB RAM (vagy 2 GB 333 MHz-es DDR)
Ultra DMA 133


Well, im not hungarian, too, i think you can see all importans things..

If you have a little time, look at this pricelist of that shop and

very at the top you find a list of all avaiable boards, sorted by socket,

that would be too nice, you can view the information for some boards,
the language is no problem too understand the technical stuff,

So, motherboard is called ALAPLAP in Hungarian,

i dont want to spend more than HUF ( = 100$),

my friend bought the second board i described, and it seems to be okay, i helped him to insert the cpu and ram and everything works good...

problem is, its sold out right now, but if u recommend it at the most valuable i think i will order it, in the shop they said that that abit is the best you can get for the money right now...

I wonder if my IBM 80 Giga Harddisk is made for DMA133 or 100 only...

Thanks for any help...

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Anonym Serotonic „I want buy a new motherboard“

hi serotonic,
indeed ABIT is the best u can get ! the KX7 is a fantastic board, its rock-solid, damn fast and has the best BIOS i've ever seen (only the BIOS of the new Abit KD7 is better).
the A7S333 isn't a good board, the SIS-chipset is definetly not the best home for a AMD XP. the KT333 chipsets by VIA are much better.

if u can get a "Shuttle AK35 GT2", u should buy one: it's fast, it's stable, it's cheap ! (about 20400 HUF in GER) and has onboard-sound (the Abit doesn't) - but i've to say,the onboard-sound-solutions are not as good as PCI Soundcards (but u save money)

don't care about UDMA100 and 133 - the differences in speed are tiny.
an UDMA133 IDE Controller (all new boards) supports ur IBM without any problems (Mainboard-Package includes new UDMA133-Cable)

"ALAPLAP" - wow, I know a lot of board, but i've ever heart of "ALAPLAP "

I hope I could help ya :)

bei Antwort benachrichtigen
hey,achtung,falsches Board zoro