Archiv Altes Windows: 98, SE, ME und NT 16.921 Themen, 62.626 Beiträge

Windows 98 - Papierkorb gelöscht

deweliki / 6 Antworten / Flachansicht Nickles

meine Tochter hat versehentlich den Papierkorb vom Desktop gelöscht (Windows 98). Wie kann ich ihn wieder herstellen?

gelöscht_84526 deweliki „Windows 98 - Papierkorb gelöscht“

Hier habe ich nochmal ´ne andere Möglichkeit gefunden:

Delete Recycle Bin
Did you ever try to rename the Recycle Bin, or try to delete it? Yes, I don’t think you’ve done that by rightclicking the Recycle Bin and choose rename or delete. Now you can...

Go to: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}\ShellFolder

Double-click Attributes
The current Binary value is: 40 01 00 20
The 40 is the one you must change.
In what, depends on what you want to add to the Context Menu of the Recycle Bin.

If you make it 50 you can rename it.
If you make it 60 you can delete, the Recycle Bin from the Desktop, without losing the ability to delete files.
If you make it 70 you can both rename and delete it.
If you have deleted the Recycle Bin from the Desktop, you still can empty the Recycle bin. On every hard drive you have the hidden folder Recycled. Rightclick that folder, and choose Empty. If you don’t see that folder, it’s because it’s hidden and you then have do read the tip Show all files in the section Programs and Files.

If you want to get the Recycle Bin back on the Desktop, it can.

Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\explorer\ Desktop\NameSpace

Make a new Key
Call it {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}
Click this new Key.
Double-click (Default).
Type Recycle Bin.
Click the Desktop on an empty spot and hit F5 (refresh).
The Recycle Bin should be back now.