Linux 15.028 Themen, 107.048 Beiträge

mbr Bootsektor zerschossen nach w98 neuinstallation

Guido / 2 Antworten / Flachansicht Nickles

Ich habe mbr zerschossen.
nach einer neuinstallion von w98 ist logischer weise der alte Dos
bootmanager wieder da
mit einer Bootfähigen cdrom und den parametern
boot : rescue root=/dev/hda7
komme ich auch wieder auf die linuxinstallation
Jetzt kommt mein Problem:
Aufrufen von lilo reicht offensichtlich nicht aus um
den guten alten lilo wieder in den mbr zu befördern!
wahrscheinlich muss mit dd irgendetwas dorthin befördert werden
wer sagt mir wie es geht.

Hmm, das sollte eigentlich schon reichen. Warst Du als root eingeloggt ?
Ansonsten /etc/lilo.conf anschauen und man lilo lesen oder
lilo -vvv

Danke für deinen Tip aber es hilft noch nicht weiter
aal:~# whoami
aal:~# lilo -v -v -v
LILO version 21, Copyright 1992-1998 Werner Almesberger
Caching device /dev/hda (0x0300)
Caching device /dev/hda1 (0x0301)
Caching device /dev/hda2 (0x0302)
Caching device /dev/hda3 (0x0303)
Caching device /dev/hda4 (0x0304)
Caching device /dev/hda5 (0x0305)
Caching device /dev/hda6 (0x0306)
Caching device /dev/hda7 (0x0307)
Caching device /dev/hda8 (0x0308)
Caching device /dev/hdb (0x0340)
Caching device /dev/hdb1 (0x0341)
Caching device /dev/hdb2 (0x0342)
Caching device /dev/hdb3 (0x0343)
Caching device /dev/hdb4 (0x0344)
Caching device /dev/hdb5 (0x0345)
Caching device /dev/hdb6 (0x0346)
Caching device /dev/hdb7 (0x0347)
Caching device /dev/hdb8 (0x0348)
Caching device /dev/sda (0x0800)
Caching device /dev/sda1 (0x0801)
Caching device /dev/sda2 (0x0802)
Caching device /dev/sda3 (0x0803)
Caching device /dev/sda4 (0x0804)
Caching device /dev/sda5 (0x0805)
Caching device /dev/sda6 (0x0806)
Caching device /dev/sda7 (0x0807)
Caching device /dev/sda8 (0x0808)
Caching device /dev/sdb (0x0810)
Caching device /dev/sdb1 (0x0811)
Caching device /dev/sdb2 (0x0812)
Caching device /dev/sdb3 (0x0813)
Caching device /dev/sdb4 (0x0814)
Caching device /dev/sdb5 (0x0815)
Caching device /dev/sdb6 (0x0816)
Caching device /dev/sdb7 (0x0817)
Caching device /dev/sdb8 (0x0818)
Reading boot sector from /dev/hda2
Device 0x0300: BIOS drive 0x80, 255 heads, 784 cylinders,
63 sectors. Partition offset: 0 sectors.
Merging with /boot/boot.b
Device 0x0307: BIOS drive 0x80, 255 heads, 784 cylinders,
63 sectors. Partition offset: 4723173 sectors.
Secondary loader: 8 sectors.
Device 0x0307: BIOS drive 0x80, 255 heads, 784 cylinders,
63 sectors. Partition offset: 4723173 sectors.
Mapping message file /etc/lilo.msg
Device 0x0307: BIOS drive 0x80, 255 heads, 784 cylinders,
63 sectors. Partition offset: 4723173 sectors.
Message: 1 sector.
Boot image: /vmlinuz
Device 0x0307: BIOS drive 0x80, 255 heads, 784 cylinders,
63 sectors. Partition offset: 4723173 sectors.
Setup length is 9 sectors.
Mapped 1399 sectors.
Added Linux (alias 1) *
"ro root=307 BOOT_FILE=/vmlinuz"
Boot other: /dev/hda1, on /dev/hda, loader /boot/chain.b
Device 0x0301: BIOS drive 0x80, 255 heads, 784 cylinders,
63 sectors. Partition offset: 63 sectors.
Device 0x0300: BIOS drive 0x80, 255 heads, 784 cylinders,
63 sectors. Partition offset: 0 sectors.
Mapped 6 (4+1+1) sectors.
Added msdos (alias 2)
/boot/boot.0302 exists - no backup copy made.
Map file size: 14336 bytes.
Writing boot sector.
Leider Booted Windows weiter :(

Lösung war ganz einfach nachdem ich die lilo.conf
nochmal überarbeitet habe.

was war die lösung ?
j. (der neugierige)

muss ich auch fragen
was war die lösung ???

der Boot eintrag war falsch gewesen
das war's komisch das das original funktioniert hat!

bei Antwort benachrichtigen
Guido Bernhard „mbr Bootsektor zerschossen nach w98 neuinstallation“

Danke für deinen Tip aber es hilft noch nicht weiter
aal:~# whoami
aal:~# lilo -v -v -v
LILO version 21, Copyright 1992-1998 Werner Almesberger
Caching device /dev/hda (0x0300)
Caching device /dev/hda1 (0x0301)
Caching device /dev/hda2 (0x0302)
Caching device /dev/hda3 (0x0303)
Caching device /dev/hda4 (0x0304)
Caching device /dev/hda5 (0x0305)
Caching device /dev/hda6 (0x0306)
Caching device /dev/hda7 (0x0307)
Caching device /dev/hda8 (0x0308)
Caching device /dev/hdb (0x0340)
Caching device /dev/hdb1 (0x0341)
Caching device /dev/hdb2 (0x0342)
Caching device /dev/hdb3 (0x0343)
Caching device /dev/hdb4 (0x0344)
Caching device /dev/hdb5 (0x0345)
Caching device /dev/hdb6 (0x0346)
Caching device /dev/hdb7 (0x0347)
Caching device /dev/hdb8 (0x0348)
Caching device /dev/sda (0x0800)
Caching device /dev/sda1 (0x0801)
Caching device /dev/sda2 (0x0802)
Caching device /dev/sda3 (0x0803)
Caching device /dev/sda4 (0x0804)
Caching device /dev/sda5 (0x0805)
Caching device /dev/sda6 (0x0806)
Caching device /dev/sda7 (0x0807)
Caching device /dev/sda8 (0x0808)
Caching device /dev/sdb (0x0810)
Caching device /dev/sdb1 (0x0811)
Caching device /dev/sdb2 (0x0812)
Caching device /dev/sdb3 (0x0813)
Caching device /dev/sdb4 (0x0814)
Caching device /dev/sdb5 (0x0815)
Caching device /dev/sdb6 (0x0816)
Caching device /dev/sdb7 (0x0817)
Caching device /dev/sdb8 (0x0818)
Reading boot sector from /dev/hda2
Device 0x0300: BIOS drive 0x80, 255 heads, 784 cylinders,
63 sectors. Partition offset: 0 sectors.
Merging with /boot/boot.b
Device 0x0307: BIOS drive 0x80, 255 heads, 784 cylinders,
63 sectors. Partition offset: 4723173 sectors.
Secondary loader: 8 sectors.
Device 0x0307: BIOS drive 0x80, 255 heads, 784 cylinders,
63 sectors. Partition offset: 4723173 sectors.
Mapping message file /etc/lilo.msg
Device 0x0307: BIOS drive 0x80, 255 heads, 784 cylinders,
63 sectors. Partition offset: 4723173 sectors.
Message: 1 sector.
Boot image: /vmlinuz
Device 0x0307: BIOS drive 0x80, 255 heads, 784 cylinders,
63 sectors. Partition offset: 4723173 sectors.
Setup length is 9 sectors.
Mapped 1399 sectors.
Added Linux (alias 1) *
"ro root=307 BOOT_FILE=/vmlinuz"
Boot other: /dev/hda1, on /dev/hda, loader /boot/chain.b
Device 0x0301: BIOS drive 0x80, 255 heads, 784 cylinders,
63 sectors. Partition offset: 63 sectors.
Device 0x0300: BIOS drive 0x80, 255 heads, 784 cylinders,
63 sectors. Partition offset: 0 sectors.
Mapped 6 (4+1+1) sectors.
Added msdos (alias 2)
/boot/boot.0302 exists - no backup copy made.
Map file size: 14336 bytes.
Writing boot sector.
Leider Booted Windows weiter :(

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