Hier könnt ihr die Details erfahren:
Hier einige Daten:
Processors Single or dual MIPS 64-bit R12000ATM 400MHz, R14000ATM 550MHz and 600MHz 2MB L2 cache
Graphics Integrated vertex processing engine
Integrated image and texture engine
12-bit per component color and alpha, (Octane2 V6, V8, V10, V12) double-buffered (Octane2 V8, V12) 16-bit 2 buffer (Octane2 V12 only)
24-bit eye space Z buffer and 8-bit stencil
10-bit digital to analog (DAC) display interface
Multiple concurrent visuals (8-bit window ID)
V6 and V10: 32MB graphics memory, including up to 8MB texture memory
V8 and V12: 128MB graphics memory, including up to 104MB texture memory
Resolution up to 1920x1200 pixels @ 60 Hz and 72 Hz
Support for dual channel and stereo viewing mode
Der Käufer trägt nur die VK.
PS: Für 8 Euro gibts einen Porsche GT dazu!