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2014 ist ende mit Symbian & Megoo

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Nokia hat heute eine Email an alle Symbian Developer heraus gegeben, und dadurch bekannt gegeben, dass der Appstore ab 2014 keine neuen Symbianapps mehr anbieten wird.

"Dear Nokia Developer,With the growing business opportunities available on the Asha and Windows Phone platforms, we have been reviewing our developer content programs to see how we can maximize our support to you, our developers. As a result of this review, we have decided to focus our support and investment in new content toward Asha and Windows Phone. Over the next few months we will be transitioning our active developer support away from Symbian and MeeGo.If you have Symbian and MeeGo content in the Nokia Store, it will continue to be available for download to customers, and you will continue to receive download and revenue reports as well as payouts for downloaded content. However, starting January 1, 2014, you will no longer be able to publish any new content or update existing content for Symbian and MeeGo.We are very excited about the opportunities available with Asha and Windows Phone, and hope that you will bring your talents to these platforms. We believe that these changes will help improve our ability to support you as you develop fantastic apps for your customers.Best regards,The Nokia Developer Team"


Danke Microsoft! Vielleicht wird Symbian ja wieder OpenSource. Eine Petition auf läuft dazu derzeit.

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