Archiv Windows XP 25.916 Themen, 128.567 Beiträge

PCwatt tool

kesart / 3 Antworten / Flachansicht Nickles

I am writing this in English because it is easyer for me to explain what is wrong!
I am having trouble trying to remove the PCWATT softwäre tool from my computer.
I have used the software recomended remove and I have also removed it in the System/software but every time I restart my PC it is still there.

Can some help. You can answer in German if you want!

kesart IRON67 „Maybe the deinstallation process wasn t complete, because an ...“


Habe mit die AutoRuns die Auto start funktion deaktiviert, und in die System/Programme die PCwatt Datei jetzt geloscht!

Thanks for the Tip!