If you're getting this error when you try to scan, fax or copy when logged on to Windows with a Limited User account (as opposed to a Computer Administrator account), read on; otherwise I have no advice to offer.
Artcopy55.exe apparently needs to be able to write to the file C:\balance.txt every time it does a scan. The default NTFS security permissions will stop it from doing this if it's run from a limited account, and instead of coping in any reasonable way with this (like, for example, simply believing the settings that are already in there) it just dies.
You should run artcopy55.exe at least once from a Computer Administrator account to let it create all the files and registry keys it needs, then apply Modify permission for Users, and Deny Delete permission for Everyone, to C:\balance.txt.
Artcopy55.exe also wants to save the scanned image into a subfolder of C:\Program Files\LexmarkX73, as well as mess with the contents of some settings files inside that folder. So you need to apply Modify permissions for Users to this folder as well. If you don't do this, copy and fax operations simply stop after performing the scan.
Process Monitor reveals all kinds of other files and registry keys that artcopy55.exe gets ACCESS DENIED results on when run from a limited account; however, it works OK with just these two changes."
Bei XP Home brauchst du dieses Tool, um die Zugriffsrechte zu änderen:
Die Zugriffsrechte der C:\balance.txt Datei und des C:\Programme\LexmarkX73 ordners werden über Rechtsklick auf den Ordner (Datei) => Eigenschaften => Sicherheit geändert.