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¿ Disketten-Image von Nicht-PC-Daten ?

selkcin / 7 Antworten / Flachansicht Nickles

Hallo zusammen!
Wie kann ich Daten* einer Diskette mit meinem PC sichern, die aber ansonsten von Windows nicht erkannt werden?
Hab's schon mit `VGA Copy´ probiert, komme aber nicht weiter.
Kann mir bitte jemand helfen?
*Es sind Daten meiner 01w-Music-Workstation

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selkcin gelöscht_84526 „Hmmm.... Vielleicht klappt es, wenn du einfach ein Image deiner Disketten...“

Dies steht in der ReadMe, aber selbst in der Eingabeaufforderung krieg ich das unter XP nicht hin:
DiskImage -Diskette/DOS copy utility v2.3FT For The Korg 01W/fd


This utility will allow Korg 01W/fd formatted disks to be read and written from an ordinary DOS based PC. This eliminates the need to upload/download through MIDI via sysex format. It also allows people who dont have a computer at home near their workstation to access shared programs and sequences. Diskimages can be compressed to 34kb using third party ".zip" software.


01W/fd formatted disks can be read and uploaded to Internet sites without the hassle of dealing with MIDI and sysex formats. Programs/Combis and Sequences can be shared more simply by using the DiskImage utility.


DiskImag "filename"
-Where filename = name of file you want created or want to copy from.

OR (Compatibility mode)

DiskImag x "filename"
-Where filename = name of file you want created or want to copy from.
-Where 'x' indicates that the image you have on your harddrive was created with a different Vendors Diskimag program. The 01w disk will be recreated differently.

OR (Single Sector Mode)

DiskImag s "filename"
-Where filename = name of file you want created or want to copy from.
-Where 's' indicates that the program should write to the disk in single sector mode. This mode should be selected if Bad-Sectors are found on the floppy.


Read Operation
Used to copy an 01w/fd formatted floppy diskette to your hard drive.

1) Simply insert a Korg 01w/fd disk into a 3.5' disk drive on a PC.
2) Type DiskImag "targetfilename.raw" at the DOS prompt.
-The program wil prompt you for information.

The program will create a file image of the 01w/fd floppy disk on the harddrive using the filename you used on the command line.

Write Operation
Used to write an image file of an 01w/fd disk back to a floppy diskette.
NOTE: This is not a System Exclusive (SYX) file! This utility will NOT take SYX files and convert them to disk format.

1) Simply insert a blank, 01w/fd formatted disk into a 3.5' disk drive on a PC.
2) Type DiskImag "Sourcefilename.raw" at the DOS prompt.
-The program will prompt you for information.

NOTES: Use only Double Sided,Double Density Diskettes(DD) 720KB. High Density(HD)1.44MB diskettes can cause problems depending on how they are formatted. If using HD diskettes, first format the diskette as a 720KB disk under DOS.Example: "format a: /f:720". Then format the disk in your 01w/fd to insure compatability.

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