Ich wollte Nero8 aufspielen und musste dazu die alte Version deinstalieren.Nach dem Neustart fuhr der Pc
bis zum Desktopbild hoch aber ohne Icon und Taskleiste.Dafür kam die DEP mit der Meldung daß das Programm
Microsoft Cabinet Maker gesperrt ist.
Wie komme ich an die Taskleiste das ich navigieren kann??
Gruß Yogi 3
Viren, Spyware, Datenschutz 11.253 Themen, 94.785 Beiträge
Hi cnucnu67,
do you have this problem, since you've opened an email containing a "bill"?
If you understand German well enough, you can look here:
Some people tell there, that Spybot Search & Destroy has helped them.
But my experience tells me, that in the very most cases parts of the trojans survive and complete themselves again.
And there is always a chance, that these trojans have multiple purposes.
If you destroy one or two of them, the "unvisible" purposes are still alive and acting.
There's only one way recommended: Re-installing Windows.
Here's a good description: