Archiv DVD, CD, Brenner 21.675 Themen, 83.329 Beiträge

New NTSC format from PAL - but which one? Progressive, Widesc

antonybirks / 3 Antworten / Flachansicht Nickles

Hi There.

Just finished making a PAL DVD (in Wide-Screen 16:9) with Studio 12 Ultimate.

The problem now is that I want to make the same in an NTSC version for the US market. Can anyone help me decide which of the following I should use for use in a normal DVD in the US:

NTSC - Progressive

NTSC - Widescreen

NTSC - Progressive Widescreen

Thanks in advance


PS: I've just seen that I make the PAL version in HD 1920 x 1080/60i - is this version really PAL? Or HD? All quite complicated when you don't know :)

PPS: Sorry ... ich habe vergessen das hier ist ein deutsches Forum ... kann jemanden mein Englisch verstehen ... oder muss ich das alles auf Deutsch versuchen?