Manche Leute...
Bin zufällig auf dieser Seite hier gelandet:
Im Prinzip geht es um den 'Skandal', das ein !deutscher! Programmierer ein Firefox Addon geschrieben hat, das Werbung blockt (Adblock Plus), was viele Webseiten um die dringend benötigten Einnahmen bringt (...), weswegen Firefox dort jetzt geblockt wird.
Besonders heftig finde ich diesen Kommentar auf der Webseite (Zitat):
"As a German, I imagine Palant simply doesn't understand the America concept of taking risks to stand up for your rights. That would be why the German people so placidly allowed Hitler to turn their nation into his own personal toilet, and we Americans had to rescue the world from their mess. We're used to being the ones to take the burden of standing up against thugs, even in defense of cretins who themselves defend those thugs, so I intend to stay true to that good ole American resolve of standing for what's right. I wish I had another alternative than blocking Firefox users, but Palant and his cohorts have left me no other choice."
Haben die irgendwo einen Schaden??