ja hallo kann mir jemand sagen was das heisst und was ich damit anfangeen soll,wollte eigentlich mit meiner domain den betreiber wechseln aber die seite ist nun nicht erreichbar
genauer steht das hier da
Ausgabe der Whois-Anfrage für Domain zyklopentreff.de:
Warning: RIPE flags used with a traditional server.
% Copyright (c)2006 by DENIC
% Version: 1.07.1
% Restricted rights.
% Terms and Conditions of Use
% All the domain data that is visible in the whois search is protected
% by law. It is not permitted to use it for any purpose other than
% technical or administrative requirements associated with the
% operation of the Internet or in order to contact the domain holder
% over legal problems. You are not permitted to save it electronically
% or in any other way without DENIC's express written permission. It
% is prohibited, in particular, to use it for advertising or any similar
% purpose.
% By maintaining the connection you assure that you have a legitimate
% interest in the data and that you will only use it for the stated
% purposes. You are aware that DENIC maintains the right to initiate
% legal proceedings against you in the event of any breach of this
% assurance and to bar you from using its whois query.
wäre dankbar für hilfe
Homepage selbermachen 7.851 Themen, 35.615 Beiträge
sorry aber was ist denn eine PN klingt voll verblödet aber ich weiß es echt nicht.