Viren, Spyware, Datenschutz 11.241 Themen, 94.650 Beiträge

Update Opera 8.01 ist da...

xafford / 5 Antworten / Flachansicht Nickles

Neben ein paar Enhancements werden auch einige kritische Sicherheitslücken der Vorgängerversion beseitigt, darunter:


* Fixed XMLHttpRequest redirect vulnerability reported in Secunia Advisory 15008.

* Fixed cross-site scripting vulnerability reported in Secunia Advisory 15411.

* Fixed cross-site scripting vulnerability in location header when automatic redirection is disabled. Vulnerability reported in Secunia Advisory 15423.

* Fix for variant of window injection vulnerability reported in Secunia Advisory 13253

* Fixed information disclosure weakness causing file path information to be sent when using the GET form method. Security Focus Bugtraq ID #12723.

* Improved accuracy of security bar and modified security icon behavior: when a certificate is accepted manually after a warning, the security level of the connection is set to 1.

* Fixed issue with wrong referrers being sent to sites in browsing history.

* Fixed erroneous display of certificate names containing ampersands.

* Solved problem with collapsed address bars for some pop-ups missing indication of security level.

Pauschalurteile sind immer falsch!!!
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