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admin-funktion beim gästebuch streikt

flamingmoe / 8 Antworten / Flachansicht Nickles


von sourceforge ein guestbook runtergeladen, das soweit geändert, dass eigentlich alles läuft, und nun noch eine kleine winzigkeit:

Wenn ich mich als admin einlogge, um die einträge zu bearbeiten klappt das ohne probleme, aber die bearbeitung an sich (löschen / verbergen von Einträgen) führt zu folgender Fehlermeldung:

Application Error

An error has occurred in the program

open >/www/htdocs/.../guestbook.html.tmp: Permission denied at /www/htdocs/junkpi/cgi-bin/admin/guestbook-admin.pl line 431.

bei ... habe ich nur meinen username rausgenommen...

Hat jemand nen Tipp, ohne dass ich den ganzen perl-kram schicken muss? vielleicht was mit den zugriffsrechten? obwohl sonst alles klappt, und ich den session-ordner (tmp) auf 777 gesetzt habe....


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flamingmoe Nachtrag zu: „admin-funktion beim gästebuch streikt“

Folgend die buestbook-admin.pl
Ich gehe davon aus, dass mein ftp-Programm die Rechte richtig setzt, weil alles andere läuft. Gästebuch-Einträge, weiterleitung,...... und auch der Admin-Einblick in das Gästebuch. Ich werde mal versuchen, ob sich eine leere guestbook.html.tmp erzeugen lässt, und was dann passiert..... to be continued...

#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
# $Id: guestbook-admin.pl,v 1.3 2004/10/29 08:11:57 gellyfish Exp $
# guestbooksadmin.pl - admin script for guestbook.pl, allows for deletion and
# hiding of comments.
# originally by Richard Rose - nms@rikrose.net
# donated to the NMS scripts archive for distribtution under whichever licence
# they see fit, and maintainance by them.

use strict;
use POSIX qw(locale_h strftime);
use CGI qw(:standard);
use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock);
use IO::File;

use vars qw($DEBUGGING %inputs $shortdate
$comment_is_hidden $done_headers %actions $password $session_dir
$guestlog $guestbookreal $myURL $short_date_fmt);

# config section - these variables must be defined before any code runs
$password = 'blabla';
$session_dir = '/www/.../.../tmp/';
$guestlog = '/www/.../.../guestlog.html';
$guestbookreal = '/www/.../.../guestbook.html';
$myURL = 'http://www......de/cgi-bin/admin/guestbook-admin.pl';
$short_date_fmt = '%d/%m/%y %T %Z';

# Routines that need to be defined before we use them

# Error messages should be sent to the users browser
# from guestbook.pl
sub fatalsToBrowser
my ($message) = @_;

$message =~ s/</g;
$message =~ s/>/>/g;
$message = '';

my ( $pack, $file, $line, $sub ) = caller(0);
my ($id) = $file =~ m%([^/]+)$%;

if ( $file =~ /^\(eval/ ) { return undef; }

if ( !$done_headers )
print "Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\n\n";

print br /> "" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

Application Error

An error has occurred in the program


die @_;

# from guestbook.pl
sub strip_nonprintable
my $text = shift;
return '' unless defined $text;
$text =~ tr#\t\n\040-\176\240-\377# #cs;
return $text;

# Log the Entry or Error
# from guestbook.pl

$SIG{__DIE__} = \&fatalsToBrowser;

# check for the login cookie sent by the browser as a valid login cookie
sub has_login_cookie

# check for existing login cookie
return -f $session_dir . $inputs{cookie};

# check whether a given cookie is a valid cookie and > 6 hours old. this is
# used in cleaning up old cookies.
sub is_old_cookie
my $filename = shift;
local $_;

my $now = time;

return 0 if $filename =~ /^\./;
return 0 if $filename !~ /\w{40}/;
return 1
if ( stat $session_dir . $filename )[10] }

# print html fragments for admin functions
sub add_admin_html
my ($comment_num) = @_;

delete comment

print hide/unhide comment (currently
print 'not ' unless $comment_is_hidden;
print qq%hidden)


# show the admin view of guestbook.html
sub view_guestbook_as_admin
local $_;

die "Not logged in!" if ( !&has_login_cookie );

my $in = new IO::File->new("
print header();
print html_top();

my $comment_num = -1;
my $in_comment = 0;
while ()
if (/^$/)
$in_comment = 1;
if (/^/ or !$in_comment );
if (/^$/)
print "
$comment_is_hidden = 0;
$in_comment = 0;



exit 0;

# show a login page before we can get started
sub show_login_page
print Content-type: text/html

br /> "" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">


You must login before you may administer the guestbook


exit 0;

# check whether the given password is correct, and setup the environment if it
# is. redirect to either the login page or the admin view, accordingly
sub process_login
local $_;
my ( @old_files, $file );
my $now = time;

# first, garbage collect sessions over 6 hours old
opendir SESSION_DIR, $session_dir
or die "could not open session directory $session_dir";
@old_files = grep { &is_old_cookie($_) } ( readdir SESSION_DIR );
closedir SESSION_DIR;
foreach $file (@old_files)
if ( $file =~ /(\w{40})/ )
unlink( $session_dir . $1 );

if ( $inputs{password} eq 'password' )
die "You have not changed the password\n";

# now verify password
if ( $password and $password eq $inputs{password} )

# Successful login. Things to do.
# generate cookie.
# send cookie to user
# save cookie to disk
# redirect to self, so user can edit

my $cookiename = unpack 'H*', join '',
map { chr int rand 256 } ( 1 .. 20 );

# create cookie file on disk, avoiding exist/create race
sysopen( SAVED,
$session_dir . $cookiename,
or die $session_dir . $cookiename . ": $!";

print SAVED "1";
close SAVED;

# send cookie to user
print CGI::header(
-type => "text/html",
status => "302 Moved",
location => "$myURL?action=view&cookie=$cookiename"

exit 0;

print CGI::redirect( -URL => $myURL );


# toggle an entry's hidden status
# most of this code is a replication of rewrite_file. this could be refactored
# later
sub do_toggle_hidden
die "Not logged in!" if ( !&has_login_cookie );

my $lock = IO::File->new(">>$guestbookreal.lck")
or die "open $guestbookreal.lck: $!";
flock $lock, LOCK_EX or die "flock $guestbookreal: $!@";

my $temp = IO::File->new(">$guestbookreal.tmp")
or die "open >$guestbookreal.tmp: $!";

my $in = new IO::File->new("
my $comment_num = 0;
my $hiding = 0;
while ()
if ( !$temp->print($_) )
my $write_err = $!;
unlink "$guestbookreal.tmp";
die "write to $guestbookreal.tmp: $write_err";
last if /^\n$/;
while ()
if (/^$/)
if ( !$temp->print( $_ . "\n" ) )
my $write_err = $!;
unlink "$guestbookreal.tmp";
die "write to $guestbookreal.tmp: $write_err";

if ( $inputs{entry} != $comment_num )

# not the comment we're after. save it.
if ( !$temp->print( $_ . "\n" ) )
my $write_err = $!;
unlink "$guestbookreal.tmp";
die "write to $guestbookreal.tmp: $write_err";

# comment we're going to do something to.

# first, decide whether we are starting to deal with a hidden
# comment
if (/^ marker, then skip that, then increment the
# comment number, and save the rest of the file.
while ()
last if /^--\>/;

if ( !$temp->print( $_ . "\n" ) )
my $write_err = $!;
unlink "$guestbookreal.tmp";
die "write to $guestbookreal.tmp: $write_err";

# entry is not hidden. hide it by putting the comment hidden
# marker, the current line, then lines until we find the end of
# comment marker, then write the end of hidden text marker, then
# the end of comment marker, then save the rest of the file
if ( !$temp->print("close;
unlink "$guestbookreal.tmp";
die "write to $guestbookreal.tmp: $write_err";
while ()
if (/^/)
if ( !$temp->print( "-->\n" . $_ . "\n" ) )
my $write_err = $!;
unlink "$guestbookreal.tmp";
die "write to $guestbookreal.tmp: $write_err";

if ( !$temp->print( $_ . "\n" ) )
my $write_err = $!;
unlink "$guestbookreal.tmp";
die "write to $guestbookreal.tmp: $write_err";


if ( !$temp->close )
my $close_err = $!;
unlink "$guestbookreal.tmp";
die "close $guestbookreal.tmp: $close_err";


rename "$guestbookreal.tmp", $guestbookreal
or die "rename $guestbookreal.tmp -> $guestbookreal: $!";



# delete an entry
# most of this code is a replication of rewrite_file. this could be refactored
# later
sub do_delete_entry
die "Not logged in!" if ( !&has_login_cookie );

my $lock = IO::File->new(">>$guestbookreal.lck")
or die "open $guestbookreal.lck: $!";
flock $lock, LOCK_EX or die "flock $guestbookreal: $!@";

my $temp = IO::File->new(">$guestbookreal.tmp")
or die "open >$guestbookreal.tmp: $!";

my $in = new IO::File->new("
my $comment_num = -1;
my $in_comment = 0;
while ()
if (/^$/)
$in_comment = 1;
if ( $inputs{entry} != $comment_num or !$in_comment )
if ( !$temp->print( $_ . "\n" ) )
my $write_err = $!;
unlink "$guestbookreal.tmp";
die "write to $guestbookreal.tmp: $write_err";
if (/^$/)
$in_comment = 0;

if ( !$temp->close )
my $close_err = $!;
unlink "$guestbookreal.tmp";
die "close $guestbookreal.tmp: $close_err";


rename "$guestbookreal.tmp", $guestbookreal
or die "rename $guestbookreal.tmp -> $guestbookreal: $!";



# invalidate the current session
sub do_logout
if ( $inputs{cookie} =~ /(\w{40})/ )
unlink( $session_dir . $1 );

print CGI::redirect( -URL => $myURL );

$| = 1;

# sanitize environment

# setup our allowed variables
foreach my $input (qw(password action entry cookie))
my $t = param($input);
$t = url_param($input) unless defined $t;
$inputs{$input} = strip_nonprintable($t);

# setup environment for rest of script.
$shortdate = strftime( $short_date_fmt, localtime );

# allowed set of actions, called by references straight from the action input
%actions = (
'login' => \&process_login,
'' => \&show_login_page,
'hide' => \&do_toggle_hidden,
'delete' => \&do_delete_entry,
'view' => \&view_guestbook_as_admin,
'logout' => \&do_logout

# do the action, if we know about it, otherwise, show an error message instead
&{ $actions{ $inputs{action} } }() if defined( $actions{ $inputs{action} } );
die "Unknown action";

sub html_top
return br /> "" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

Administer Guestbook entries

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