Ich suche Treiber und Programme für meine Grafikkarte RV111.
Hat jemand irgendwelche Infos oder Erfahrung mit dieser Karte.
Betriebssystem beliebig.
Ich habe weder realvision gefunden noch irgendetwas bei deltron.
Ich suche Treiber und Programme für meine Grafikkarte RV111.
Hat jemand irgendwelche Infos oder Erfahrung mit dieser Karte.
Betriebssystem beliebig.
Ich habe weder realvision gefunden noch irgendetwas bei deltron.
I have a RV111 too, and I am very near to get it working. Perhaps you could help me with some problems I encountered. I downloaded the driver for RV111 from www.driverguide.com (RV111nw.zip)
I also downloaded a small TV capture program called Video Ghost from www.newfreeware.com (InstallVideoGhost.exe)
On CD I have (among others) a capture and recording program called Snapstream PVS.
The drivers work perfectly. However, both capture programs produce an error:
OAK VGA Video Capture, cannot support video port due to either memory shortage or not enough video
I have 128MB memory, do you know how much memory the RV111 needs? Or did you find a manual or other documentation? My Deutsch is not very good but I can very well understand it.
gruß jbit