Nickles - Team Seti 1.753 Themen, 10.321 Beiträge

jaaaaaaaaa sieg sieg !!!!! 1 KiloWU

chrissv2 / 8 Antworten / Flachansicht Nickles


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Results Received


Total CPU Time

7286 hr 24 min

Average CPU Time per work unit

7 hr 17 min 11.0 sec

Average results received per day


Last result returned:

Sun Sep 21 08:40:15 2003 UTC

Registered on:

Tue Apr 24 11:23:23 2001 UTC


View Registration Class

SETI@home user for:

2.411 years

Your group info:

You belong to the group named:

Team Nickles

You are not currently the founder of any teams.



Your rank: (based on current workunits received)

Your rank out of 4677151 total users is:

196814th place.

The number of users who have this rank:


You have completed more work units than

95.777% of our users.



User Certificates

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bei Antwort benachrichtigen
Gratulation (o.T.) mastre1
Gratulation (o.T.) chrissv2
REPI chrissv2 „Gratulation (o.T.)“

wieso, willst Du jetzt aufhören ???

Es empfiehlt sich immer, etwas Linux im Hause zu haben.
bei Antwort benachrichtigen
Gratulation (o.T.) chrissv2