Nickles - Team United Devices 466 Themen, 2.124 Beiträge

ud will nicht...

the_mic / 8 Antworten / Flachansicht Nickles

ich versuche heute schon den ganzen tag eine neue wu zu kriegen - aber der client gibt dann nur die meldung "unable to process task data" aus.

hat sonst noch jemand probleme oder spinnt mein 33k-modem?

cat /dev/brain > /dev/null
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Bombenleger the_mic „ud will nicht...“

UD - Moose posted February 10, 2003 16:32

Due to an unknown cause some users had device profiles that had no tasks available. This amounted to 123 device profiles in total. Since we were unable to determine the task the user wanted to run the device profile was set to run all tasks.

If you find you are running a task you do not wish to be running please go to your device profile and remove the project you do not want to run.It is unclear how this happened and we are sorry for any issues this may have caused anyone.

Thank You

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hurra hurra the_mic
Welcome Back BIT+BYTE
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grpmf zu früh gefreut the_mic