Archiv DVD, CD, Brenner 21.675 Themen, 83.329 Beiträge

Firmware Update bei CD RW Brenner

Bert Kopf / 1 Antworten / Flachansicht Nickles


Ich nutze ein CD RW "CED 8080B" von LG electronics.

Will jetzt ein Firmware update machen. Nur wie?

Mit DOS habe ich nie gearbeitet?

Wer steigt durch die folgende Beschreibung (readme datei) durch:


if you want to upgrade F/Ware of CED-8080B,then you refer to the
(And If you are using firmware ver 1.01 , you need not upgrade firmware.)

1.Remove inserted disc in RW Drive and Connect to only master of seconary port.
2.Boot the computer as DOS
3.Excute to xferlg.exe (c:\\temp\\RW.exe firmware file
name(E4LG003f.lge) ex->c:\\temp\\RW E4LG003f.lge
if you downloaded this file in this directory)
" the E4LG003f.lge file name is firmware for firmware upgrade of your
cd rw drive "
" the RW is firmware excute program for download
4.So then you can see the message \'Do you readlly want firmware update?(y/n)\'
5."Y" Enter
6.So then firmware will be upgrading.
3.If it completely F/Ware upgraded, The message is appeared on your
monitor such as \'Firmware update successfully compleeted!!!
4.And then Re-booting to your system.


1.You have to cd-rw drive connect to secondary master alone.
2.Don\'t touch while F/ware upgrading
3.If it happen to problem when you upgrade to F/ware,it is that your
Because of you are mistake F/Ware upgrade
Therefore you must be care for F/Ware upgrade.

Was soll ich blos im DOS machen?????


Bert Kopf

Anonym Bert Kopf „Firmware Update bei CD RW Brenner“
Hier ist mal eine Seite, da kannst Du die aktuellste Firmware runterladen und auch im Windows installieren