Nickles - Team United Devices 466 Themen, 2.124 Beiträge

UD-Monitor 1.7.4 released

Bombenleger / 4 Antworten / Flachansicht Nickles

v1.7.4 26.01.2002


* Much faster cache slot switching.
* Supports the proteins VEGF.q3 and Anthrax.
* "Clicking the tray icon while UD Monitor\'s window is visible will now hide it" - is an option now("Settings" > "Interface" > "...minimize when tray icon clicked"), as suggested by Orbi-tel and Derek [& Eric the Parrot].
* Pop-up hints in the Settings window are being displayed sooner and stay for longer, as suggested by Frans Goddijn. This is since previous version, but I forgot to mention it then.
* The program is now available for download as ready-to-run EXE-file, because of some people having problems with unzipping UD Monitor. Compression gain was very little, anyway.


* Agent\'s ads weren\'t deleted when running Anthrax project, as noticed by Jim Laflin and HCMelnik.
* Resetted cache slots were logged as completed, as noticed by Stephanie Leemhuis.
* After entering a name for protein, cache slots may suddenly become displayed as empty. Thanks to Orbi-tel and snoopy.
* Hopefully fixed a rare bug which could lead a result to be lost -- some delays added to reactions to certain UD Agent conditions. Thanks to jazzA.


Wann kommt die Freigabe einer versteckten Funktion Anthrax zu beschleunigen ?

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CancerFighter Bombenleger „Hi Lothar Kam ganz automatisch, denn ich habe am Device-Profile nichts...“


der Sonntach is jeloofen! Bei der alten Tante Hertha... ;((

Ja, wenn Du das soo siehst. Aber Krebsforschung ist wichtiger, denke ich. Die Toten stehen in keiner Relation.

Erst entwickeln sie Anthrax-Kampfstoffe und wenn sie selbst betroffen sind, dann sollen wir helfen...

Bin gespannt, ob UD nach Cancer noch ein vernünftiges Projekt auffer Pfanne hat. Was denkst Du?

HWA (happyweekendanfang)

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