Nickles - Team United Devices 466 Themen, 2.124 Beiträge

v1.7.2 05.01.2002
* Fixed some problems with the "New Protein" form. Thanks to mshige and Frans Goddijn.
* Now the "New Protein" window will not appear automatically. When UD Monitor
will detect an unknown protein, a "hyperlink" on the main screen will
appear, allowing to open this window.
* Fixed a problem with the creation of the "ud_m_c.txt" files, which could lead to unability to add cache slots.
* Added detection for Fibroblast GF Receipt and Cycline Dep. Kinase proteins as F-GF-R and CDK, correspondingly. Any manually entered names will stay active, though.
* Fixed a possible problem with more than 9 cache slots.
* Added a lot of pop-up hints to the "Settings" window.
* "Use Cache" box wasn't saving its value under certain conditions, as noticed by Just1Vet.
* Some smaller improvements.
This site is now accessible at a new address - http://www.udmon.org.ru/. Please use this address, as the old one could become unavailable soon.
Older versions of UD Monitor are temporarily unavailable for download.
Download des Originals.