Off Topic 20.160 Themen, 223.745 Beiträge

Religions Of The World

Hannad (Anonym) / 1 Antworten / Flachansicht Nickles

Taoism : Shit Happens
Hare Krishna : Shit Happens Rama Rama Ding Ding
Hinduism : This Shit Happened Before
Islam : If Shit Happens, Take A Hostage
Zen : What Is The Sound Of Shit Happening
Buddhism : When Shit Happens, Is It Really Shit?
Confucianism : Confucius Say,"Shit Happens"
7th Day Adventist:Shit Happens On Saturdays
Protestantism : Shit Won\'t Happen, If I Work Harder
Catholicism : If Shit Happens, I Deserve It
Jehova\'s Witness :Knock, Knock,"Shit Happens"
Mormon : Shit Happens Again And Again And Again
Judaism : Why Does This Shit Always Happen To Me?
Atheism : I Don\'t Believe This Shit
Rastafarianism : Let\'s Smoke This Shit

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