Wieder ein neues Winamp3, diesmal als Beta. Hier gibts den DL.
Ausserdem scheinen die Jungs an einer Portierung auf Linux zu arbeiten. Das File gibts Hier und ist die Alpha 1.
Ausserdem gibt es jetzt Skins für Winamp3.
Probe, Kjofol, Boxor und Lounge.
Hier noch ein Auszug aus der Readme vom Winamp3 Beta 1:
mostly finalized all interfaces so developers can get busy
- config file in sexy XML now
- crossfader switchable again
- crossfade on next/previous works
- playlist editor:
- faster, better, more stable
- shuffle on next now default behavior
- sorting by specific criteria, more general sorting to come later
- .pls loading
- no more "working playlist", now whatever playlist is showing is the playlist being edited, always
- prioritizes ID3 reading for items you\'re looking at
- sexy skinned drop indicator
- playlist saving works again
- url selector remembers recent entries
- skinning:
- groups work better
- many components now scalable (not working 100% yet)
- skins start out centered on screen on first load
- gamma groups! tintastic!
- memory usage reduced
- finally, some better buttons than the ones I made in MS Paint on my laptop
with a touchpad (thanks Steve!)
- many many bugfixes, including the NT4 startup crash
- even better SDK
- lots more!
Also hauptsächlich Bugfixes und etwas mehr Performance und weniger Speicherhunger...