Nickles - Team Seti 1.753 Themen, 10.321 Beiträge

Möglicher Vorfall von Serverinaktivität in Berkeley

B@p / 4 Antworten / Flachansicht Nickles


At about 0330 PST (GMT -0800), a contractor (possibly working for eitherthe City of Berkeley or the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab or maybe even the University) cut a fiber bundle that connects voice and data between the UC Berkeley campus and LBL and other buildings at the top of the hill, such as the Space Sciences Lab, home of seti@home. I wish it were something more exciting like bombs or rebellious office computers.
Based on past ex_periences, this will probably require a manual splice, which will likely take all day.
So sit back, relax, hang out at the Clinic or whatever, and give your
computer a rest.
One more thing, if you\'re one of those people who likes to complain about lack of redundancy between the SETI servers and the rest of the world, be prepared to offer free colocation at an enterprise grade facility and/or provide all funding for said service as part of your "suggestion."

Remember: ET isn\'t paying for this. :-)

Michael Sinatra
Network Services
UC Berkeley

Wie gesagt, ist die Meldung nicht bestätigt.

cu Schorsch

cu Schorsch ------------------------------------------------------------- Der Computer rechnet mit allem - nur nicht mit seinem Besitzer  
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