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Liegt's am Kabel oder an Win95-Win98 ?

SmallAl / 9 Antworten / Flachansicht Nickles

Ich habe jetzt die beiden miteinander verbunden (via LPT-Port) und im Windoof ein Programm Namens "PC-Direktverbindung", dieses gibt es sowohl bei Win95 als auch bei Win98.
Obwohl alle Kabel festangeschlossen sind ("verschraubt") findet ein PC den anderen nicht.
Ist jetzt nun das Kabel verkehrt (der Verkäufer sagte was "über Kreuz"), oder verstehen sich einfach die beiden Windoof-Versionen nicht ?!?

remember: Today is the first day of the rest of your life !
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App SmallAl „Liegt's am Kabel oder an Win95-Win98 ?“

Hallo SmallAl,

vielleicht willst Du es ja nochmals probieren. Habe hier mal das Troubleshooting-Kapitel von Parallel Tech. herkopiert, weil mir selbst auch nicht mehr einfällt. Ich hoffe, Du bist der Englischen Sprache mächtig:

DCC Troubleshooting

* Do you have the right type of cable?
For serial connections, use a serial null-modem cable.
For parallel connections, use one of the three types of DirectParallel cables.

* Are you plugged into the right connector?
COM ports are either 9-pin or 25-pin male connectors.
LPT ports are always 25-pin female connectors.

* Are you using one PC as the Host and one PC as the Guest?
When starting a DCC connection for the first time (or changing the connection later) you are asked to select Host or Guest for the operating mode of each PC.
Make sure one end of the connection is selected as the Host.
Make sure that the other en of the connection is selected as the Guest.
The Host side of the connection is capable of acting as a gateway between the DCC connection and the LAN if a LAN adapter is present in the Host. Therefore, if you are connecting a laptop to a desktop which has a LAN adapter, then use the desktop as the Host and the laptop as the Guest. This will allow both the desktop and laptop to access the LAN resources.

* Did you start the Host first, then the Guest?
You must start the Host side of the connection before the Guest side.
When you start the Host side, a connection status panel is displayed showing that the Host side is "Waiting for a Guest Computer ...". At this point, the Host is ready to accept an incoming connection from a Guest.

* Do you see "Verifying..." message when connecting?
If you do see the "verifying..." message, that means that the Host and Guest are able to exchange information over the cable. This confirms that your port and cable configuration is working.
If you connection does not complete successfully, the problem probably lies in your network configuration (see below).
If you do not see the "verifying..." message, that means that the Host and Guest are not able to exchange information over the cable. This means that something is wrong with your port and/or cable configuration.
Check that you have the right type of cable.
Check that you have plugged the cable into the correct port.

* Do you have the same protocols on both systems?
DCC requires that both systems have a common protocol installed (NetBEUI, or IPX is recomended).
You must have the Microsoft NetBEUI protocol installed for the Host gateway funtion to operate.

* Do you have the Dialup Adapter (PPP protocol) installed?
DCC uses the PPP protocol to make a connection. It must be installed in the net configuration.

* Do you have the server installed on the Host system?
You must have a fileserver installed on the Host system in order to share resources on the Host.

* Have you created shared resources on the Host computer?
You must create at least one shared resource on the Host computer to enable the Guest to find the Host's shared resources.
For example, right click on a drive, selecting Sharing, and complete the share dialog.

* Are you currently using the Dialup Adapter (PPP) with another application?
The Dialup Adapter (PPP protocol) currently supports only one active connection. You cannot use PPP for a dialup connection (say, to Internet) at the same time as using the DCC.

Visit PTI’s WEB site at http://www.lpt.com

Ansonsten fällt mir noch ein, daß eine Firewall die Verbindung stören kann.

Gruß App

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