Nickles - Team Seti 1.753 Themen, 10.321 Beiträge

seti win2k service client ?

(Anonym) / 17 Antworten / Flachansicht Nickles

wie kann ich den seti-client als service unter win2k (NT4) einrichten ?
gibts evtl eine art seti-cache, die das kann ?


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KOV Wumpchild „ooops ... hab mich beim passwort verschrieben. “

Macht nichts!

Ich habe da etwas gefunden. Ich schicke Dir es jetzt ersteinmal im Original zu. Wenn Du eine Übersetzung möchtest, mache ich die dann auch noch :-) (hält mich fit!)
Zitat Anfang:"I want to run the text-client as a service in NT - how do I do that?

Method nr.1

You need to be administrator to do it. The easiest way is if you have IE4 or IE5 and Task Scheduler. It comes with IE5 and is an option in IE4. Set up a task to run when your PC boots to launch it. When you boot your PC, let it sit at the logon screen for 30 seconds or so to verify the Task Scheduler service has started and it has launched the task. Now it will run in the background and the only way to stop it is with kill.exe from the NT resource kit.

If you don't have IE4/5, then use the Schedule Service built into NT, but you have to be an administrator to do this. Make sure it is set to run and log on as you. Then schedule it to run in about 2 minutes using the AT command. Type AT /? from a command prompt for help. You do NOT want to use the /interactive switch. It will then run in the background. This is easier to use if you have the Resource Kit as well because you could use the SOON.EXE command in a batch file in your startup group.

*Note: You must run the seti client manually the first time to configure it. Afterwards you may allow it to start automatically.

Method nr.2 provided by Peter Yackel:

You need two files from the NT resource kit: srvany.exe and instsrv.exe. You'll use these files to install SETI as a service. Here's the procedure: Copy srvany.exe to the SETI@home directory. (I'll use c:\seti in this example. I also assume the seti executable to have been renamed to seti.exe)

Copy instsrv.exe to the winnt directory. Click Start, Run, and type "cmd" to open a DOS window. Type: instsrv SETI C:\seti\srvany.exe Type "exit" to return to NT Click Start, Run, and type "regedit" Go to the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services

Expand it by clicking the + Highlight SETI, then right click and select New, Key Type: Parameters. Highlight Parameters, right click and add the following New String Values Names: Application AppDirectory. Now double-click the Application value name you just created and enter the following Value Data: c:\seti\seti.exe. Do the same for AppDirectory but enter c:\seti for the Value Data. Exit the Registry Editor. Go to Control Panel and double-click Services. Go to SETI and double-click on it. Set the startup to Automatic. Click OK. This will cause the service to automatically start at the next boot. To start the service immediately, highlight Seti and click Start.

*Note: You must run the seti client once manually to configure it. Afterwards you may allow it to start through services.

Method nr. 3

Use a third party utility." Zitat Ende.

Ich hoffe, es hilft Dir weiter.

Viel Spaß


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