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UT mit 60 Hz .....

(Anonym) / 9 Antworten / Flachansicht Nickles

... ist das Problem. Meine Einstellungen lauten "Optimal" (85 Hz) auf dem Desktop, was mir meine Monitordatenanzeige ebenfalls bestätigt. Jedoch fährt die Hertzzahl wenn UT zocke auf 60 runter... was soll das?? Ist das etwa unabhängig von den "Desktopeinstellungen" ?
Oder ein directX Problem?
PS: bei mir juckelt eine ERAZOR II (TNT Chipsatz)

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(Anonym) Nachtrag zu: „UT mit 60 Hz .....“

How can I set the refresh rate above 60hz?

For Windows 9x, use hztool to adjust the rates manually to the ones you use.

For Quake 3 Arena you can simply type the following commands at the console:

/r_displayrefresh "x"

where x is the desired refresh rate (e.g. 75)

For Direct3D games in Windows 2000, run DXDiag, click on 'More Help', click 'Override...' and type in your desired refresh rate.

For OpenGL games in Windows 2000, follow the following instructions from Scott's Hardware Scene:

Click on Start / Run and type 'Regedt32' and click on OK

Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE in Local Machine, click on System

Click on CurrentControlSet

Click on Services

Click on nv4

Click on Device0

Double click on NV10_Modes (if you have an SDR card) or NV10DDR_Modes (if you have a DDR card) on the right hand side

Edit the corresponding setting for the given colour-depth, and resolution

For example, to set 800x600 @ 16 bit colour, go to the entry:

16 800 600 60 70 72 75 85 100 120 0

Here '16' is for the colour depth, '800 600' is for the resolution, and the next 7 settings are the monitor refresh rates. Do not remove the trailing zero!

Remove all the monitor frequencies that you do not want. The drivers will default to the lowest setting listed for the given resolution

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