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Hauskeister Krause (Anonym) / 8 Antworten / Flachansicht Nickles

Hallo an alle!

Nachdem ihr mich un erfolgreich ignoriert habt, stelle ich nochmal meine frage: gibt es eine Möglichkeit, einzelne spoolfiles von einem benutzer zum anderen zu kopieren bzw. zu verschieben?????

ich würd mich freuen, wenn da mal jemand bescheid wüßte...


Gruß Hausmeister Krause

bei Antwort benachrichtigen
Armin (Anonym) Hausmeister Krause „danke für die info!aber das senden von dateien auf ner AS/400 bezieht sich auf...“

Tach auch,

wer wird denn gleich die Flinte ins Korn werfen. Ich habe mal kurz bei im Support HowTos nachgesehen da gibt es Hinweise das es eventl doch geht.

Sie dir mal die Frage 4 =Q4 an. Wenn ich Dich richtig verstanden habe ist es das was Du tun willst oder ?

Das erste Dokument verweist auf das 2.te .

:-) Armin
Document Title:
Many Ways to Save and Restore Spooled Files

Document Description:

There are numerous occasions when our customers want to know how to save and restore spooled files or duplicate them. The correct response depends on what they want to save/restore such as one spooled file, a small number of spooled files, all spooled files from one or more output queues, or the entire QSPL library. The question they have may be presented in many ways including one of the following:

Q1 How can I save one spooled file or just a few spooled files and restore them later when I need them again?

Q2 I have a few very large spooled files I would like to save or delete to free up disk space and later I would restore any that I need to print and delete it again. Can this be done?

Q3 Can I save all spooled files from a single output queue, delete that output queue and later restore it when necessary?

Q4 Is there an easy way to duplicate a spooled file from one output queue to different output queues?

Q5 Can I save the entire QSPL library for its duplication later on this or another AS/400 system?

There are several AS/400 commands that are available and tools that can be created to support the requested functions. Please be advised that IBM's QUSRTOOL and Jim Sloan's TAA tools are provided as is and are not actively maintained. We neither support nor guarantee that they will do what they are intended/designed to do. They are designed for convenience rather than for disaster recovery. They should be fully tested before used. Please review one or more of the following items with your customer based on what they intend/expect to accomplish: 1 See document 8013247, Using CPYSPLF to Re-Create a Spoolfile or Create a PC File, for a description of creating a database file (CRTPF) using copy spooled file (CPYSPLF) and save object (SAVOBJ) commands. To link to 8013247 immediately, click here . RSTOBJ and CPYF commands can later be used to restore the saved spool file and printing the information from it. This is a good method for saving/restoring one or limited number of your typical spooled files (without *AFPDS, and so on). Also see document 5123706 on how to copy multiple spool files to tape. To link to 5123706 immediately, click here .
2 See document 8011926 for usage of the QSPGETF and QSPPUTF print APIs. To link to 8011926 immediately, click here . The command source for the QSPGETF API is supplied if the user wants to facilitate usage at a command entry screen. This is intended for archiving of AS/400 support diagnostics or other information when the spool file printer device type is *AFPDS, *IPDS, or special controls in the spool file that does not allow the CPYSPLF command to work. The referred document includes instructions to archive the spool file to a physical file. Then QSPPUTF is used to restore as a spool file. This document also includes the source code for creating commands GETSPLF and PUTSPLF using QSPGETF and QPUTSPLF respectively.
3 There is an IBM (free) QUSRTOOL to save/restore spooled file (SAVRSTSPLF) that requires an ILE C compiler. The SAVRSTSPLF tool provides a method for saving spooled files into a designated library (or device) and to restore and print them at a later time. It consists of the programs for creating ZSAVSPLF and ZRSTSPLF commands. On the ZSAVSPLF command, the spooled files to be saved can be selected by user, output queue, form type, or user data. The ZRSTSPLF command restores those files from the library or device to the output queue in which they were originally spooled. There are certain limitations to consider for SAVRSTSPLF tool. Please see member TSRINFO in file QUSRTOOL/ATTINFO for further information on its description and tool creation steps. Command DSPSFWRSC can be used to determine whether the customer has 57xxCX2 (ILE C compiler) and 57xxSS1 option 7 (example tools) products installed on the system or not.
4 See document 5134358, Copying a Spooled File to Multiple Output Queues, for a description of another TAA productivity tool available from Jim Sloan, Inc. To link to 5134358 immediately, click here . This tool is called duplicate spooled file (DUPSPLF) and is used for copying a spooled file to multiple output queues. Please see document 12410149 for address and phone numbers for Jim Sloan, Inc. To link to 12410149 immediately, click here .
5 Product 57xxBR1, Backup Recovery and Media Services/400, generally known as BRMS can be used to perform save/restore related management of spooled files. The Work with Saved Spooled Files using BRM (WRKSPLFBRM) command creates a display or report of saved spooled files based on specified libraries, output queues, files, job names, users, date ranges and sequences. Processing the Work with Saved Spooled Files command takes you to the Work with Saved Spooled Files display where you can remove, display or retrieve selected spooled file entries as well as work with media that contains saved spooled files.
6 See document 8010852 for copying all spooled files from an output queue using product TAA Productivity Tool (no longer a part of QUSRTOOL) which includes copy from output queue (CPYFRMOUTQ) and copy to an output queue
(CPYTOOUTQ) tools. The TAA tool is available and can be purchased from Jim Sloan, Inc. The document describes how the entire QSPL library can be saved, deleted and restored. To link to 8010852 immediately, click here . Please get a senior support representative from the AS/400 Print Queue and use extreme caution if your customer needs assistance with deleting and recreating QSPL. Let the customer know that Jim Sloan, Inc. should be consulted for any questions about its use and reliability. We are not sure if this tool has ever been used to successfully rebuild QSPL retaining all spooled files. Please see document 12410149 (link above) for address, phone number and fax number of Jim Sloan, Inc.
Following are some of the commonly used commands that are used for saving and restoring spooled files: o WRKSPLF

Take option 8 to note attributes of each spool file you want to copy/save/restore.
o CRTPF FILE(name of library and file) RCDLEN(133) MAXMBRS(#of_splfiles) +

This assumes that our spooled file is for a 132-character wide document.
o CPYSPLF FILE(nameofthespoolfile) TOFILE(nameofpfcreatedabove) +
JOB(fillthisinfromtheattributes) SPLNBR(x) TOMBR(mbrname)
o SAVOBJ OBJ(nameofpf) LIB(libname) DEV(tapxx)

If possible, make two copies on different tapes.
o RSTOBJ OBJ(nameofpf) SAVLIB(libname) FILEMBR(*ALL or mbrname) +
DEV(tapxx) RSTLIB(lib2)

Do this before deleting the spooled file(s) to ascertain that the tape can be read correctly.
o CPYF FROMFILE(rstlib/nameofpf) FROMMBR(mbrname) TOFILE(QSYSPRT).

Document Title:
Copying a Spooled File to Multiple Output Queues

Document Description:

There are two approaches that work: 1 Have the program generate multiple printer files and send each file to a different output queue.
2 Use the QUSRTOOL Duplicate Spool File (DUPSPLF) command. More information on this command can be found by typing the following command on the AS/400 command line:


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