Anfrage 1:
Ort: Zürich
Zeitraum: April-August
Sprachen: Englisch, Deutsch erwünscht aber nicht zwingend
Excel, Powerjoint, Word
MS Internet Information Server, MS Transaction Server, Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Netscape Navigator, MS Studio (MS Interdev, MS Visual Source Safe,
Developer for the middletier of an end consumer website. HTML, ASP and
Experience with MS Webclasses required. Developer will work on functionality
of the webserver (MS Internet Information server) and the application server
(MS Transaction Server). Developer will work in a team with an experienced
lead. Developer will be responsible for work pieces which include a
subsystem with several objects. Developer will not only detail design and
implement these, but he/she will also be responsible for the quality
Anfrage 2:
Ort: Wiesbaden
3 SW Entwickler mit forms6 und oracle8 Kenntnissen
für 3 Monate mit Verl.option
Mail to Force_Killer