Archiv Windows Vista 2.610 Themen, 16.620 Beiträge

Vista Home Premium laptop lost all settings

ainstein / 0 Antworten / Baumansicht Nickles

Ich hoffe, dass eine Englische Beschreibung akzeptiert ist, da ich Schwierigkeiten haette das alles zu uebersetzen. Danke.

I hope someone is not deterred from the essay to describe my issue. Independent from the actual issue, but possibly useful information, here are some preliminary activities that have taken place beforehand:

- I accessed McAffee website (as stated, if one can't then possible Conficker victim)
- I ran our avast! anti-virus program on whole Vista laptop - no hint found respectively.

04/04/2009 [My Docs on drive D, 2nd partition]
- done some maintenance (removing data that I had backed up otherwise)
- deleted folder, was a copy of a installation CD; I used the setup from this folder to install the program (for wireless mouse) to c:(hard drive)
- tried to delete data/OS from an externally attached (IDE via USB) 12GB laptop-HDD, which had Windows 7 installed... Vista didn't let me do much as every other seemingly important folder sent a message "Access denied".

I needed to detach the 12Gb HDD, but even with closing all programs and checking the processes I know in the taskman the message after using the eject button in the systray stated that something is still in use on the external HDD. I was aware that detaching the drive whilst still being in use might corrupt data on the drive, but as my intention was to delete the data anyway, my only concern was possible danger to the MBT of the drive... which later turned out not to be an issue.
I could still continue working with the Vista laptop, using all programs, incl. access to the Internet, until shut down.

I started the Vista laptop. A message in systray warns of multiple security errors and refers to view the events log, but didn't recognise the icon with it.
#=> "Failed to connect to a Windows service. Windows could not connect to the System Event Notification Service service, This problem prevents limited users from logging on to the system. As an administrative user, you can review the System Event Log for details about why the service did not respond."

Also, I found that the anti-virus program avast! wasn't running. I couldn't access the Internet, lost all connection settings. The wireless router was working fine.

I used System Restore, to be told "System Restore did not complete successfully. [...] Details: An unspecified error occured during System Restore."
I used the computer management console to look at the Events viewer: can't display, as Service not started. I checked the Services and started some of the services that looked familiar - they might not be necessary, but it seems that some are depending on the running of others. Here I found an array of issues, as follows:
#=> Windows could not start the COM+ System Application service on Local Computer. - Error 1068: The dependency service or group failed to start.
#=> DNS Client service - Error 10107: A system call that should never fail has failed.
#=> KService on Local Computer - Error 0x80004005: Unspecified error {This might be from a program that runs the wireless mouse}
#=> Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) service - Error 1068
#=> IPsec Policy Agent service - Error 10107
#=> Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Service service - Error 1717: The interface is unknown.
#=> Netlogon service - Error 10093: Either the application has not called WSAStartup, or WSAStartup failed {I couldn't find this service in the Services}
#=> Network Location Awareness - For more information, review the System Event Log. If this is a non-Microsoft service, contact the vendor, and refer to service-specific error code -1073741502. {The laptop is a default Vista Home Premium set up without additional programs or installation.}
#=> Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service service - Error 1717
#=> The SNMP Trap service on Local Computer started and then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they are not in use by other services or programs. {Other services or programs diddn't get a chance to use this service.}
#=> The SSDP Discovery service started and then stopped.
#=> Task Scheduler service - Error 1068

I tried to start avast! manually. It stopped with a message: "Error basInitLibrary - initialization of basic library failed. Check out INI file or install program again, please. Error: 10107"
{I have to date not re-installed the program, as would rather like to know the cause for the crash.}

I have backed up all data as I am considering to resinstall Vista. However, there is no restore or installation CD.

Any suggestions would be very appreciated... Before I scrap the lot to revert to XP.

Thanks very much in anticipation,
