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Seeking "dalai"

WoodyLeonhard / 5 Antworten / Baumansicht Nickles

I'm trying to contact "dalai," the person who runs the site

If anyone here knows him, please have him send me a message,

I'm a writer for InfoWorld, have a blog called, and I've written several Windows and Office books. I would like to create a detailed description (unfortunately, in English) of how to implement the Windows 7 update speedup described on the site.



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mi~we WoodyLeonhard „Seeking "dalai"“

You can contact him here:

Just click on "Private Nachricht an dalai senden" (right on the top of the page) and write your message. Click on the button "Abschicken" to send the message.

"Es wäre dumm, sich über die Welt zu ärgern. Sie kümmert sich nicht darum." (Marc Aurel)
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WoodyLeonhard mi~we „You can contact him here: Just click on Private Nachricht an dalai senden right on ...“


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dalai WoodyLeonhard „Seeking "dalai"“

I was pointed to this topic by another user in the Planet3DNow forum, so it seems you found the right place Lächelnd. Yes, I know I've limited the contact options on, but unfortunately I don't have the time to give everyone indiviual support, and I hope the HowTo is written good enough to be understandable (both German and English) to help users.

Also, I don't want to publish my e-mail address to prevent spam (it's already enough as it is). I don't know enough about web design and stuff to protect the e-mail address or to set up a contact form.


I would like to create a detailed description (unfortunately, in English) of how to implement the Windows 7 update speedup described on the site.

Hm, not sure if I understand you here. Could you elaborate on this?

If you'd like to continue this conversation/discussion via e-mail, just let me know.


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WoodyLeonhard dalai „I was pointed to this topic by another user in the Planet3DNow forum, so it seems you found the right place . Yes, I know I ...“

Thanks for responding!

I would like to put together a very simple step-by-step procedure for installing the patches that you recommend - something any Windows 7 user can follow, so they can get patched without waiting hours. (There's a reason why I write "For Dummies"!) And I'd like to publish it in InfoWorld, with a link to your site. 

The idea is to get a lot of people using your technique - because Microsoft's approaches so far have been really terrible. For example:

If you'd be willing to take a look at a draft of the article and let me know what I did wrong, I'd be most appreciative.

I can mention you by name, or leave you anonymous - whatever feels most comfortable for you. 

Please do feel free to respond here, or send me email -

bei Antwort benachrichtigen
dalai WoodyLeonhard „Thanks for responding! I would like to put together a very simple step-by-step procedure for installing the patches that ...“

OK, so in essence you intend to write a simpler version of the HowTo, and to reach potentially more users of Vista and Win7. Sure, no problem in that. The HowTo is intended to help people to work around this issue in Windows Update, and the more users can benefit from reduced waiting times, the better.

Just to let you know: Currently, the site is hosted on a private server at home. Note that the ISP is going to be changed on that line, due date August 2nd. I made a copy of the site on another server as a precautionary measure in case the provider change doesn't go as planned, though. So I might have to change the DNS to point to the other server (with an even slower internet connection). But, let's hope it isn't necessary Lächelnd.

If you'd be willing to take a look at a draft of the article and let me know what I did wrong, I'd be most appreciative.


I can mention you by name, or leave you anonymous - whatever feels most comfortable for you. 

My nickname Dalai will do just fine.


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