Windows 7 4.540 Themen, 43.655 Beiträge

Vista-Mail-Client in Windows7 nutzen! (engl.)

kds / 0 Antworten / Baumansicht Nickles


Nachdem ich ein paar Tage Windows Live Mail ausprobiert habe und es mir nicht zusagte, suchte ich nach einer Lösung, um den Mail-Client aus Vista in Windows7 nutzbar zu machen. Bin dann im I-net auf eine Anleitung in englischer Sprache gestossen. Da ich es selbst noch nicht ausprobiert habe, kann ich keine Aussage über die Funktionsfähigkeit machen. Werde es aber sicherlich demnächst mal testen.
kds :-)

Hier die Anleitung:

Enabling Windows Mail in Windows 7
Some people Running the Windows 7 Pre Beta 6801 have been asking about Windows Mail in Windows seven and where they can find it.

The strange thing is it is there but it's hidden and doesn't do anything when you click on it, although you will see it in task manager, so if you do want Windows Mail this is what you have to do.

First go to folder options and deselect hide protected operating system files and do not show hidden files, you will now be able to see the Windows Mail executable file which was previously hidden.

Next go to your programs folder and Windows Mail folder and take Ownership of all the files in there, you will need to do this one file at a time and Don't Forget to Give Yourself FULL CONTROL of each file.

Just in case there is another fix for this in the Future you may want to make a copy of this folder and keep it somewhere

Once you have taken ownership and given yourself full control copy all your files from Vista's Windows Mail folder and paste and replace ALL of the files in Windows 7 Mail folder.

That's it and DON'T try to click on the Original Hidden WinMail.exe file, if you do you will not be able to replace it, as it will run and you wont see anything but you will still need to kill the process in task manager.

Good Luck and don't forget do give me some Rep, Thanks!!
Attached Thumbnails

Also I forgot mention that that to use the program, Right click on the WinMail.exe file and send a shortcut to the desktop then rename it to Windows Mail.

Then go to you start button and right click on the startup folder and select properties then location and click on find target and move your short cut to that folder and then click on pin to start menu.

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