Habe mir für mein KT7A von Abit einen neuen Duron 1200 Mhz gekauft. Aber jetzt tut sich gar nix mehr. Nur die Lüfter drehen sich.
Deshalb meine Frage:
Unterstützen die älteren KT7A-Boards,also Rev. 1.0-1.2, überhaupt einen Duron 1200 Mhz???
Bin für jede Antwort dankbar.
Archiv Prozessoren 8.660 Themen, 54.742 Beiträge
laut Paul's FAQ (hier) sollte Dein Duron (Morgan) eigentlich laufen. Du brauchst Dafür aber unbedingt Bios Version "64" (von November) oder neuer. Aktuell ist "A9".
KT7A/KT7A-RAID versions 1.0 to 1.2: All Athlon (Thunderbird) processors with both 100MHz and 133MHz FSB. AthlonXP processors are not officially supported due to a minor timing problem that can require you to hit reset during a cold boot. Unofficially, however, few people seem to experience this problem and these processors work fine.
KT7A/KT7A-RAID versions 1.3: All Duron, Duron (Morgan core), Athlon (Thunderbird) and AthlonXP processors to 2100+ are supported. AthlonXP processors at 2200+ are not supported.
The motherboard version can be identified by the bar coded sticker near the ISA slot. Likewise, according to ABIT technical support the Duron (Morgan core) is only supported on the version 1.3 of the motherboard.