Desolisation / 1 Antworten / BaumansichtAbout Problems:
Taoism: Problems happen.
Confucianism: Confucius says, problems happen.
Buddism: If problems happen, they aren’t really problems.
Zen: What is the sound of problems happen?
Hinduism: This problem happened before.
Islam: If problems happen, it is the will of Allah.
Protestantism: Let problems happen to someone else.
Catholicism: If problems happen, you deserve it.
Judaism: Why does this problem always happen to us?
Atheism: I don’t believe in problems.
Agnosticism: What is "problem"?
Capitalism: Let’s make problems and solve them for money!
Socialism: Cancelled – because of problems.
Individualism: All problems are my problems!
Pluralism: Problems for everybody!
Hippies: Not a problem, the solution.