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at apocalypsedude

lard / 1 Antworten / Baumansicht Nickles

Hair by mail
Tit jobs for teens
Go broke appearing rich
Searching for rosebud in the fire

Pop stars fingers in the fans
The therapist you wish you had
Crucifix or lubricant
Government by fad!

Mate! Spawn! and Die!
Mate! Spawn! and Die!
My my my my...

Are those salmon upstream turning red
From shear embarassment
Came all this way up all them ladders
Without checking a map

My the farce be with you

In one corner of the ring
That cherished myth
Falling in love magically solves
Every problem you\'ve ever had

In the other corner
Spooon size shredded dreams
The Gods must be crazy
The movie goers must be crazy


Wrong worm, hooked again
Mounted on the wall in my own den
I\'ll talk alone to a firefly
Dial 1-900-Suk-Me-Dry

You can\'t throw me to the lions
I\'m Charlton Heston!
You can\'t throw me to the lions
I\'m Charlton Heston!


Yippe ti-yi-yi-yo
Ho ho ho ho
Whaat do you really want for Christmas, children?

Nice place ya got here, darlin\'
Sure wish the hot water worked
Gotta rinse my jizz off before mornin\'
Or I\'ll itch for a week-"

Damn! that water\'s cold

Steven Tyler
Of all people once said
"If men bled
Would tampons be free?"

Omi\'god, I gottag get goin\'
I forgot to feed the cat

If you find some error in Mate Spawn

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Apocalypsedude lard „at apocalypsedude“

Ja, man merkt nach 2-3 Zeilen das es Biafra ist. Ich mag ja auch seine Spoken Word Sachen und dieses seltsame Zeug was er mit Mojo Nixon fabriziert hat. Aber genau so wie man sich seiner Stimme und seinen Aussagen kaum entziehen kann, so geht er zumindest mir nach ner halben Stunde tierisch auf die Eier.

Ich kontere mal mit den Lyrics von "16 Horsepower" - "Outlaw Song".
Der Text ist ne Übersetzung einer ungarischen Volksweise.

early one days morning
i came upon a fine young horse
i mounted up and led him onward
he was gray as the sky above
as the sky above

i slept down by the river
and what a sad dream i had
i'm afraid my love
it must be true
today i will go and leave you
today i will be gone

i awoke and was surrounded
nine of the law stood before me
askin me my name and business
demanding proof of me
demanding proof of me
proof of me

what do you want from me
would you have me your prisoner
no but you must give us that horse
you must give us that roan gray horse

listen he aint for sale
never for the law to ride
if that should happen none would be safe
even the birds
even the birds
would be afraid to fly

so they ask again what was my name they ask again what was my name
two were dead before they could move
two were dead before they could move
thats my name
thats my name
if you please
thats my name
thats my name
if you please

btw: Mein Nick hat auch was mit Musik zu tun.

Your shell is hollow, so am I.The rest will follow, so will I.
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