Hi Mic,
ist wahrscheinlich nach einem Update passiert, würde ich schätzen... Nimm doch mal das Proggy "Startup.exe" und schau nach. Mit diesem Tool kannst Du Einträge löschen, editieren oder hinzufügen.
Hier noch ein paar Infos:
Startup Control Panel
by Mike Lin (mlin@monmouth.com)
Startup Control Panel is a nifty control panel applet that allows you
to control what programs run at system startup. I wrote it because
I was tired of digging through the registry all the time; I hope you
like it!
Startup Control Panel uses the Microsoft Windows Installer engine for
its setup routine. Many applications from Microsoft and other third
party vendors now use this engine, so there is a good chance that it
is already present on your system. If, however, you are unable to open
the *.msi package contained in this zip file, you will need to install
the runtime.
The runtime is about 1.5MB and is available from Microsoft -
For Windows 9x:
For Windows NT 4.0:
Windows 2000 and Windows Me have the Windows Installer built-in.
Open control panel and select "Startup".
You are presented with a dialog box with several tabs. Each tab
represents a different method of starting a program at system
startup. These include:
Startup (user) - Run the program from the current user's Startup
Startup (common) - Run the program from the common (all users) Startup
folder (NT only)
HKLM / Run - Run the program from the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (all users)
Registry key.
HKCU / Run - Run the program from the HKEY_CURRENT_USER Registry key.
Services - Run these system services before the user logs on. This
is usually used for things like virus scanners.
Run Once - These programs are run once and once only at the next
system startup.
To add an item to a list, right-click some blank space in the list
and select "New...". Here you can enter a descriptive name for the
program, and the path to the program's executable (you can also
browse for it).
To modify an existing item, right-click it and select "Edit...".
To delete an item, right-click it and select Delete.
Items can be disabled by clearing the checkbox next to them or by
right-clicking them and selecting "Disable". Disabled items do not
run at system startup, but they still appear on the list so that you
can re-enable them later. To enable a disabled item, makr the
checkbox next to it or right-click it and select "Enable".
You can also drag & drop files from Windows Explorer into one of
the lists to add it to the list.
cu lothar