Hi McMorning
Hier der Grund fuer den Server-Down-Status (auszugsweise)
Like any user of Windows (I presume) I sometimes experience blue screens or my PC freezes or reboots on its own initiative. Each time that occurs, in extenso each time I don't light off my PC correctly, when I light it on again, the UD Agent restarts the work at the very beginning (0%) whatever it has already made about this unit. I'm surprised because I'm an old and regular user of Seti@Home program and such a problem never happened. Anyway I suppose there is little I can do. Thank you for your help. The version that is being released today does not suffer from this problem.
If you have not got it yet, you will when your current WU finishes and you receive your next d/l.
I hope this helps.
We will be upgrading the UD Agent on Thursday July 5th at 8am central time. There will likely be an outage for about 4-5 hours. This will only occur if your agent returns work at this time.
Na ja von den 4-5 Std. sind ja jetzt erst 6 MEZ-Std. vergangen. Mal
sehen was der neue Client so bringt, denn die Punktevergabe ist auch
falsch, denn je laenger ein Rechner fuer eine WU braucht desto mehr
Punkte bekommt er, sprich je weniger CPU-% fuer UD desto mehr Punkte.
Auf das es bald weitergeht ...