Laptops, Tablets, Convertibles 11.834 Themen, 56.741 Beiträge

Notebook oder Netbook

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Lee Koo
CNET Community manager

Happy Friday and a happy Halloween to everyone! This week's topic is all about what differentiates a standard notebook (or laptop) from a Netbook. As Donna mentions in her question to us, these Netbooks seems to be getting a lot of buzz lately. Indeed they are, even though they aren't anything new and have been out for quite some time. So what's the big deal? Or should I say "small" deal, as these Netbooks are indeed "cute" (as Donna puts it), being supersmall in dimension (screen size 10 inches or smaller) and lightweight (some weighing as little as 2 pounds!). So what's the difference between these Netbooks and your standard notebooks, besides size? Is it performance? Storage size? Application capabilities? Or what? The answer is, all of the above, and then some! While I can go and mention all the things that are different right here in the intro, I'm not going to, except there is a reason why they refer to these machines as Netbook rather than a notebook. Hint: Internet book. The rest is up to you to read. Our members have provided us some valuable information this week, so I hope you take away a lot from it. I can promise that by the time you read through the answers provided in the Q&A section and all the other great submissions, you'll know not only what Netbooks are and what configurations they come in, but also the most important information: whether the Netbook is something that will meet your needs! Have a great weekend everyone and thank you for your continued contributions and readership! Take care.

- Lee


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