Laptops, Tablets, Convertibles 11.832 Themen, 56.676 Beiträge

CF-35 von Panasonic / 1 Antworten / Baumansicht Nickles

Das laptop verfügt über einen USB 1.1 Anschluss doch leider ist es im Bios deaktiviert wer kann helfen.Ich hatte es schon einmal zum laufen gekriegt mit einer Befehlszeile im DOS aber das ist schon lange her.könnt Ihr mir helfen.Danke im voraus Ralf

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Alpha13 „CF-35 von Panasonic“

Instructions for Windows 95b only

1) Before performing the following procedure to enable USB, please go into the BIOS and
"Load Default Settings (PNP)", then go to Power Management and change the ON/OFF SWITCH
setting to ON/OFF.

2) To enable the USB port on the CF35 series computers, it is necessary to enter the
following command from the DOS command line after exitting Windows (this will NOT work
in a DOS window).

3) DIAG35 /CMOS 4A on 7

4) Reboot, then open Device Manager and delete the existing USB listing.

5) Next, go to the c:\util\msupdate directory (these drivers are for Windows95 ONLY) and
double click on USBCOPY.bat.
Close the open DOS window, then Double click on USBSUPP.EXE.
Restart the machine and Windows should detect the USB controller and root hub.
(if you get an error message about uhcd.sys during the driver installation, look for it
in the Windows\system directory or extract it from USBUPD2.EXE)

Please note: Some USB devices REQUIRE Windows98 to function properly. These will normally
give an error about not finding HID (Human Interface Device) drivers (ie: joyHID.vxd).

Windows 98 Instructions
Follow the above, up to and including #4.
Then reboot the computer and Windows98 should detect the USB and load it's own USB drivers.
If it doesn't automatically load the drivers, try running Add New Hardware.


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