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IBM Thinkpad 755Cs

CLAVAN / 1 Antworten / Baumansicht Nickles

Bein Anschalten v. meinem Thinkpad 755Cs kommt nur ERROR u. Fehler 8611 wer kann mir einen Tipp geben , im Handbuch finde ich der Fehler nicht

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Alpha13 CLAVAN „IBM Thinkpad 755Cs“

Conventional advice: try connecting an external mouse. Fact: The error is related to the track point embedded in the keyboard. When I get the error on cold-start I can use the keyboard (Tab/Enter) to choose Test:SYSTEM -- which eventually results in the following:
DEV 086
ERR 22
FRU 0010
Mine is out of warranty already, so I'm going to try opening 'er up to reseat the track point cable/connector.

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