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ibm 600 thinkpad fehlermeldung beim hochfahren

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Beim hochfahren heigt mein ibm600 thinkpad zuerst immer fehler 173, dann werden auch noch die Fehler 192 und 163 angezeigt.
Was kann man tun?!

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kolesar007 chembost „ibm 600 thinkpad fehlermeldung beim hochfahren“

I got one TP600 with 161, 173, 163.... I found that 161 indicates dead battery, 173 Bad CMOS/NVRAM checksum and 163 CMOS error; Clock is not updating after changing battery "only" 173 and 163 apears after memory test. Then asks me about the password (I alredy reset pass.) so I just pres enter and then jumps to screen where writes "ERROR 173, 163...and then writes that must look in the book :))"...I cant go to bios?!?!? I dont get FRU codes.

...can you tell me what chip is defect??...I suspect that clock is not runing so I measure 32kHz quartz and its runing...the clock and CMOS RAM is inside 82371 on mother I think that 82371 is my diagnose right ???

...I saw that in my TP600 one resistor missing...that is R667 under DIMM cover just by the flash RAM...I just solder one resistor to test..but nothing better...if you might look what is the value I be the Hardware meintece manual I see that also must be there "password pads"...I dont see them????


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