Linux 15.033 Themen, 107.084 Beiträge

Msql tips

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Ich möchte in die Welt der Datenbanken reinschnuppern
und könnte ein paar Tips zu Msql vertragen.
$msql liefert leider nur
Usage : msql [-f conf_file] [-h host] database
msql - Mini SQL Terminal Monitor
See libmsql(3) for Details in specifying a hostname.
You may get full access to the database via mSQL queries
according configured access rules. Each query must be
followed by ` (see later) to get sent to the engine. See
msql(5) for the supported subset of ANSI-SQL.
Queries and commands are distinguished due to commands
being prefixed by backslashes.
\e Edit the last query using the vi editor. If you
wish to use an editor other than vi, msql will hon­
our the convention of using the contents of the
VISUAL or EDITOR environment variable as an alter­
nate editor.
\g Each query that is sent to the database engine must
be followed by this command. It tells the monitor
to "go" and send the query to the engine. If `\g'
ist entered without entering a new query, the last
query to be submitted will be resubmitted.
\p The contents of the query buffer can be displayed
more than once.
\q Quit the mSQL monitor program.
msql [ -h host ] database
die /usr/DOC/msql war auch nicht die erleuchtung : (

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